
A complete overview of our software offer

Illko Studio

Test, inspection and inspection management program for electrical appliances
  • Can be used independently or in cooperation with MDtest, REVEXmax, REVEXprofi, REVEXprofi II and REVEX 2051 devices
  • importing data from REVIZEprofi 1.6 and REVIZEprofi 2
  • The user has full control over the test results
  • Appliances are moved on the PC side, not in the device → faster data merging
  • exporting/importing in CSV format is lossless (i.e. the information is complete)
  • possibility to export also to XML file
  • Automatic insertion of the technician’s signature into the output forms
Illko Studio software mockup

License information

You can download the software here, you need to purchase a license to use it.

FREE with the purchase of MDtest, REVEXmax
FULL PRICE listed in the price list

Illko Studio View

Electrical Appliance Test Viewer
  • The program is designed for viewing, searching or printing tests of electrical appliances
  • Changes to individual items are prohibited
  • the file for viewing (i.e. the database of electrical appliances) is generated using the ILLKO Studio program
  • The file is protected against possible misuse (it cannot be used to create a full-fledged database, only some data is stored in it during creation)

License price


Illko Studio View software mockup


ILLKO Studio 1.26 (10.8 MB, 15/05/2024, Windows 7, 8, 10, 11)

ILLKO Studio View 1.26 freeware (8.7 MB, 2024-05-15, Windows 7, 8, 10, 11)

Older versions

ILLKO Studio 1.25 (12.12.2022)

ILLKO Studio 1.24 (25.10.2021)

ILLKO Studio 1.23 (23.3.2021)

ILLKO Studio 1.22 (3.1.2020)

ILLKO Studio 1.21 (25.3.2019)

ILLKO Studio View 1.25 (12.12.2022)

ILLKO Studio View 1.24 (25.10.2021)

ILLKO Studio View 1.23 (23.3.2021)

ILLKO Studio View 1.22 (3.1.2020)

ILLKO Studio View 1.21 (25.3.2019)

Other files

Sample database for ILLKO Studio

Sample database for ILLKO Studio View

Extension forms for ILLKO Studio / ILLKO Studio View (12.12.2022, program version 1.24 and higher)

Changelog in ILLKO Studio / ILLKO Studio View



On how many PCs can the program be installed?

By purchasing one license of the Program, you acquire the right to install and use the Program on two computers, provided that the copy of the Program is never loaded in the RAM of one computer at the same time as the copy loaded in the RAM of the other computer, and provided that both computers are operated by you.

Is the license limited in time?


What is the limitation of the DEMO version?

Cannot save database, print/import/export/send/receive => max.
20 Appliances

Working with the program

In the main menu, it is not possible to sort appliances by name.

The program sorts the list of appliances alphabetically.
The tree displays the appliance ID first, so the sorting cannot be changed.

For a newly installed appliance, it is not possible to manually set the date of the next test and the test result.

The date of the next test and the result are determined AUTOMATICALLY based on the latest measurement date and test interval.
If a new appliance is inserted, it is necessary to insert a new measurement with empty values (Ctrl+M).
In the note, you can write, for example:
“Default check”, etc.
It is then documented that the inspection of the new appliance was actually carried out (including the name of the authorized person).

The data of the measuring instrument/test technician has changed or is missing.<br /> Do changes have to be made for each measurement separately?

We recommend that you make a bulk edit using the Filter window.
Select all appliances (Ctrl+A) and switch the “Measurements for selected appliances” tab.
Here, use a filter or sort to select the desired measurements and make a bulk edit.

Can the database be stored on a network drive?

However, it must be ensured that only 1 user accesses the database at a time – when the database is accessed and saved by another user, all changes made by the first user will be lost (the program does not check for database locking).

The appliance has moved to another customer (i.e. to another database).<br /> How to proceed?

Select the specific appliance(s) and export it to a CSV (all measurements) file.
Do not open the CSV file!
Open another customer and import the CSV file.
When importing/exporting a CSV, ALL data is transferred without loss.

The previous software was able to automatically number new appliances according to a predefined shape.<br /> This program can't do that.

Previous software used custom settings for each database.
That brought a lot of problems.
ILLKO Studio has only global settings, which are the same for all databases (files).
Therefore, it is not possible to make automatic numbering for each customer separately with the last value of the appliance ID remembered.

In the basic tree view, "all is not expanded/collapsed" and you can't see "plus" and "mínus" symbols.

The program is designed to optimize RAM – previous programs loaded complete database structures into RAM (hundreds of MB) and then it was possible to use these functions.
ILLKO Studio loads only the recording structure that the user sees on the screen into RAM.