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[SOLUTION] Incorrect date on the REVEXprofi display
For some REVEXprofi and REVEXprofi II devices,...
New standards ČSN EN 50699 and 50678
Standards ČSN EN 50699 and ČSN EN 50678 in...
The latest REVEXmax digital multifunctional instrument
The latest multifunctional digital device...
The new MD 9226
TRMS clamp multimeter MD 9226 from Metrel for...
New MDtest device
A new multifunctional device designed for...
Latest instrument MI 3155 EurotestXD
Introducing the latest MI 3155 EurotestXD...
New DIGIOHMpro digital low resistance meter
New digital low resistance meter. It also...
The new ZEROTESTpro meter
Digital fault loop impedance meter. It allows...