Communication of the REVEXplus USB with PC
The REVEXplus USB enables on-line data transfer from the instrument to PC and from PC (or from barcode reader which is connected to PC) to the instrument. So the instrument becomes very suitable especially for services of appliances and for production lines.
PC software "Hyperterminal" is used for communication. Hyperterminal is installed during standard Windows installation as one of its components. All data transfered from the REVEXplus USB to PC can be automatically stored to a file and later imported for example to Open Office or to Excel.
Supported systems: Windows XP and Windows 2000.
It is very likely that communication withou any problems is possible with Windows 98(SE) and Windows ME, too.
The measuring procedure can be for example following:
Operator connects tested appliance to the REVEXplus USB and he types appliance's identification code on PC keyboard (or he can scan identification code by means of barcode reader connected to PC). Then he standardly executes all particular measurements of tested appliance. The results are automatically on-line transfered to PC. After finishing of first appliance testing operator connects and tests another appliance etc... After testing of all appliances there is file with all measured results in PC. The file can be later imported for example to Open Office or to Excel and processed.
All functions of the REVEXplus USB can be controlled by commands send from PC (or from barcode reader which is connected to PC), too. In documentation supplied with instrument there are even published barcodes with all control commands.
User can even either directly or by means of 3rd party programme his "custom-built" application because detailed data transfer protocol is released in documentation supplied with the REVEXplus USB.